Monday, July 9, 2012

Movies, Movies, Movies

Has it really been 7 months since my last post?!  Whoops!!  Apparently time flies when you're having fun!  Wait... did I say fun?  I really meant to say starting a full-time job.  Which, may be, in my opinion, the exact opposite of fun.

Nevertheless, Summer is upon us and I hope to share a lot more fun-filled adventures with you over the next several months!

One of the things I love most about Summer's arrival, is that it brings TONS of movie releases with it!  And anyone that knows my husband and I at all, knows that we love our movies!  We have recently discovered that we have the ability to rent movies via iTunes, and this has come in handy lately with Redbox being the only option to rent movies here in our hometown.  (Where's a Family Video when you need one?!)

Side note:  When renting from iTunes, we have discovered that it's best to wait until the entire movie has downloading before beginning to watch.  We made the mistake of trying to watch a movie "instantly" and ended up paying for it twice!  Boo...

Below are a few of my thoughts on movies I have watched lately. Keep in mind that my husband was gone for about 2 weeks in June so I tend to get a little bored when he's away.  In other words... no judging the amount of movies I've wasted time watching.  :)  

Immortals = D
I don't mind a little blood and guts in movies, and I've never been one to get sick over seeing blood everywhere.  The one thing I can't stand, however, is seeing people tortured or burned.  This movie was full of scenes of human torture and pain, and therefore I rated it rather low.  The only good part was the fact that there was plenty of "eye candy" for us woman!  (Did anyone else notice that Theseus was that cute little teenager from The Count of Monte Cristo?!  Um... he grew up nicely...)  Don't watch if you get sick easily.  

The Grey = C
Liam Neeson is the BOMB!!  I knew that this movie was a total "guy" movie, but I wanted to watch it just to see him kick some butt.... which he did.  Until the end....  :(  This is another movie that you shouldn't watch if you get sick easily.  However, it may be a great one to watch if you are planning a trip to the icy forests of Alaska. 

One for the Money = B
I usually don't watch book-based movies without first reading the novel, but I did here.  A little cheesy at times, but it kept my interest.  I'm a huge fan of Jason O'Mara (Joe Morelli), and Katherine Heigel did a great job with her Brooklyn-style attitude!  This was a very light-hearted film with plenty of entertainment.  

This Means War = A
A great "date night" movie!  I loved all the action and humor that this film had to offer.  Chris Pine and Tom Hardy did a great job playing off one another (not to mention that both are extremely good looking!)  This will probably be one that I'll have to purchase soon.  

I'm sure there will be more movie reviews to come!  But until then, let me know what your favorite summer movie releases have been!  

1 comment:

  1. this means war was good! i rented it on amazon one lonely day in the studio. i got desperate. amazon doesn't really have a lot to choose from as far as renting goes, but maybe i'll check out itunes! hey, have you seen downton abbey? i think you would LOVE it as i do. let me know girl!
